Control Sub Type LiteralHTML


The LiteralHTML control is a versatile control in the framework to allow for uncommon lay-out changes that are not supported out of the box for the ANY Framework. Due to the versatility, there are some limitations.

  • The control displays either the Expression or the label, not both.
  • Because the control is breaking out of the framework, it isn't aware of the controls before or after it. It does stay part of the group it's placed in. As a result, the previous control's newline is ignored.
  • Displaying html tags as text is not supported, since the control supports them. (.e.g. when adding the expression &lt;html&gt; it will be parsed as a <html> and may break the page.)


The following scenarios have been documented. At the bottom there is a link to the scenario process to try them out in your own environment.

Scenario See

A simple divider


Display a paragraph


Play Audio

Audio Control

Display external sources

Embed a Map

Download these scenarios
