How To: Time Entry for Team Leads

To allow a team lead or manager to maintain the Timecards for a team a number of setups are required:

  1. Set the a Manager for a Resource Group.

    1. Type Resource Groups in the Search box and select . Departments/Resource Planning/Resources/Resource Groups.
    2. In the Resource Groups list locate the resource group to which you want to assign a resource.
    3. Select a resource in the Manager column.
  2. Set the Timecard Delegation for the Manager.

    1. Type Resources in the Search box and select Departments/Resource Planning/Resources/Resources..
    2. Select the resource card for the Manager and click Edit to open the Resource card..
    3. On the Navigate tab select Timecard > Timecard Delegation.
    4. In the Timecard Authorization list select Resource Group in the Target Type and select the resource group in the Target No. column.
  3. Use the Create Timecards:

    1. Type Create Timecards in the Search box and select Departments/Resource Planning/Time Registration/Periodic Activities/Create Timecards.
    2. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description
    Year: Type the year for which the Timecards have to be created.
    Week: Type the week for which the Timecards have to be created.
    Starting - Ending Date. The dates will be filled automatically when a week no. is typed, otherwise type the dates.
    Resource Task No.: Optionally select a Resource Task to be inserted tine the Timecards.
    Time Type: Optionally Select Time Bucket or Quantity: 1. For Time Buckets the Start - and End Time fields need to be completed. 2. For Quantity the Quantity - and the Unit of Measure fields have to be completed..
    Description: Optionally type a description for the Timecard line to be created..
    Create Timecard if not Exists: Place a check mark in the check box if you want the Task to create a Timecard when it does not exist.
    Master Timesheet: Select a Timecard as a template for the creation of new Timecards.
    Resource: Use this filter to select Resource or Resource Group for which the Timecards have to be created..

    When completed click OK to complete the Task immediately or click Schedule to submit the Task to a Job Queue.

  4. Use the Timecard Worksheet to maintain and register Timecards.

    1. Type Timecard Worksheet in the Search box and select Departments/Resource Planning/Time Registration/Timecard Worksheet.
    2. Select the Week No. and note that the Start - and End Date Filter are filled automatically.
    3. In the Resource Group No. Filter the Team lead or Manager can select the resource group to maintain.
    4. The Timecards for the resource group members will be listed in the lines of the worksheet, use the Change Status and Register actions to process Timecards.

See also

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