IEM - Advanced Job Management

Create Job Task Matrix

Use the Create Job Task matrix to create a Job Task structure from an Estimate

  1. Select the Action tab and click the Create Job Task Matrix action to open the page.
  2. In the header specify a Starting No. for the Job Tasks to be created.
  3. In the fields Job Description and Job Description 2 you can select this field to be filled with the Job Element ? or the Job Activity description, Not Applicable leaves the description blank to be completed later.
  4. In Scheduling Direction select either Forward or Backward to have the program calculate the Job Task Starting and Ending Dates based on the number of Activity Days specified in the Estimate. Blank does not calculate these dates.
  5. In the lines check the cells for which you want to, or not, create Job Tasks. Note that the system already suggests the Element / Activity combinations as per the Estimate.
  6. Click Create in the ribbon to actually create the Job Tasks

See also

Planning and Estimating