Anywhere Mobility Studio Documentation

How to: Register Anywhere Portal App

To succesfully establish a communication between your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central environment, the Anywhere Portal app must be registered in Azure Active Directory


After registering and configuring the app registration, the following settings are created:

  • ClientID: The Client ID or Application Client ID
  • ClientSecret: The Secret token that is used to authorise the Anywhere Portal to identify as such
  • RedirectURI: The Redirect URI's is for both the Anywhere Portal app as well as the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central app

Besides these settings, the app registration has requests for access to scopes pending or granted.

App registration overview

Installation Steps

Register the Anywhere Portal App Grant Access from Dynamics 365 Business Central Anywhere Portal Azure Setup

Registering the Anywhere portal as an app in Azure Active Directory is based on Microsoft docs
Granting the Azure app rights is based on Microsoft docs