Transport and Deliveries - Shipping Agent Service Codes

In Dynamics 365 Business Central a Shipping Agent is the name for a carrier, forwarder, trucking company etc. You can set up a code for each of your shipping agents and enter information about them. If you enter an Internet address for the shipping agent, and the agent provides package tracking services on the Internet, you can use the automatic package tracking feature.
When you set up shipping agents on your Projects, you can also specify the services that each shipping agent offers. For each shipping agent, you can set up an unlimited number of services, and you can specify a shipping time for each service.
When you have assigned a shipping agent service to a projectthe shipping time of the service will be used in the Planned Delivery Date calculation.

To set up Shipping Agents

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon (Alt+Q) enter Shipping Agents and click the relevant link.
  2. Click New to create a new agent or Edit to modify an existing agent.
  3. Enter the values for the Code, Description and Internet Address fields.
  4. Click Shipping Agent Services to specify other settings.
  5. Enter values for the Code and Description fields. Typically, you must fill values for the following fields.
Field Description
Shipping Time (D365BC field) Specifies the shipping time for this shipping agent service. That is, the time it takes from when the order is shipped from the warehouse to when the order is delivered to the customer's address. The program copies the contents of the this field to the Shipping Time field on the order line, when you enter a shipping agent code in the Shipping Agent Service Code field.
Base Calendar Code Specifies the code for the base calendar to assign to your shipping agent service.
Customized Calendar A base calendar typically lists all Saturdays as nonworking days. You can create a customized calendar for a location that lists all Saturdays in November and December, and leading up to the holiday season, as working days.
Vendor No. Use this field to link a vendor to the shipping agent service. The field is used in the purchase process. When posting the Transport Order, Posted Transport Costs Lines are created for this Vendor so they can be selected in a Purchase Invoice.

See Also

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