Transport and Deliveries - Post Transport Order Cost

Once the Transport Order is posted, you can view the posted cost lines as follows:

  • From the Posted Transport Order
  • Using the Purchase Invoice Lines.

To view Posted Transport Orders

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon (Alt+Q) enter Posted Transport Order and click the relevant link.
  2. Select a transport order and click Transport Costs in the ribbon to open the Transport Costs page.

The posted transport order cost entries are displayed. -The Purch. Invoice No. field is filled when the line is part of the purchase invoice.

  • The Posted Invoice No. field is filled when the field was used in the purchase invoice.
  • The Posted Amount field shows the amount booked in the purchase invoice. This amount can be different from the amount in the Amount field.

When a cost line is partially booked, the line cannot be used again in a purchase invoice.

To view from Purchase Invoice lines

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon (Alt+Q) enter Purchase Invoice and click the relevant link.
  2. Click New to create a new purchase invoice with a vendor linked to a shipping agent.
  3. From the Lines menu use Get Transport Costs to view the transport order cost lines for the specified shipping agent.
  4. A selected line creates a purchase invoice line with the Type: G/L Account and No. with the G/L account as set in the Transport Cost Component Setup.

The functionality works the same as the standard Business Central Get Receipt Lines function.

See Also

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