Time Sheet Process

Resource Management in Industrial Equipment Manufacturing closely follows the Business Central process with as a main difference:

Time Sheet lines are created from Resource Tasks. This means that you no longer have to select the line type, the only possible line type is Resource Task. Since Resource Management knows where that task came from the task handles the posting process.

Refresh Time Sheets: assigned resource tasks are automatically inserted in the time sheet when the time sheet is created and the periods for the resource task and time sheet match. With the Recurrence feature you can also refresh the resource task over longer periods of time.

The time sheet lines defaults to the Resource Task type.


Creating Time Sheets

Time Sheets can be created in 2 ways:

  1. By the Time Sheet Administrator through the Create Time Sheets Task. With this Task the administrator can create time sheets for all resources where Use Time Sheets is true.
  2. Through the Create Time Sheet Wizard. With this wizard you can create your own Time Sheet or for the resource for which you have a delegated authority.
    • Create Time Sheet is available from the Time Sheet List and - Card as well as the Resource List and - Card.
    • The Create Time Sheet action opens the Create Time Sheet page for the resource linked to your user ID.
    • With the Assist Edit you can select one of the resources for which you have a delegated authority.
    • The Create Time Sheet page shows if a Time Sheet already exists for the selected period (by default starting from the work date)
    • With the Previous - and Next Period actions you can page through the weeks.

Creating Time Sheet Lines

Time Sheet Lines are inserted in the Time Sheet in 2 ways:

  1. Automatically through the Refresh feature (see below).
  2. Manually by selecting a Resource Task. When you drill down on the Task No. column your assigned tasks will be shown. With Show All you can select from all active Resource Tasks.
  3. Automatically from the Time Input Line Worksheet. This worksheet captures the Start - Stop transactions from the Resource Task or imported transactions from external time capture systems. When the Time Input Line status is Complete it can be processed to Registered, this means registered in a time sheet.
    • This registration process can be driven a ProjectQueue entry with report: "IEMRM Process Time Input Line".

Refresh Time Sheets

One of the features of Resource Management is the Refresh function for Time Sheets. This feature checks for assigned resource tasks in the same period as the time sheet. When the function finds such a task it inserts it in the time sheet. The refresh function is automatically triggered when the time sheet is created and can also be run manually from the time sheet. When the Back-flush Hours option is set in Resource Task setup, as well as Planning Controlled, and ProjectPlanning Entries are found, the specified hours are copied to the time sheet line. In that case the resource only has to update the hours before submitting the time sheet line for approval. The refresh function also works with Recurrence and Suspension. In that scenario a resource task is worked on over a longer period of time with intervals. The refresh function will check if a recurrence pattern exists and if it is applicable for the time sheet period. When true a time sheet line is created for that resource task.

Approving Time Sheet Lines

When Time Sheet Lines are completed they can be submitted for approval:

  • Select the line to submit and select the Submit action from the Line menu.
  • Submit all open time sheet lines by selecting the Submit action from the Time Sheet header.

The submitted lines will now be visible to the manager or the person responsible:

  • Managers use the Manager Time Sheets
  • Persons Responsible (project managers) use the Manager Time Sheet by Project

Note: Approval by persons responsible for a Projectdepends on the setting Time Sheet by ProjectApproval in the Resources Setup:

Option Description
Never The user in the Time Sheet Approver User ID field on the resource card approves the time sheet.
Always The user in the Person Responsible field on the projectcard approves the time sheet.
Machine Only If the machine time sheet is linked with a project, then the user in the Person Responsible field on the projectcard approves the time sheet. If the machine time sheet is linked with a resource, then the user in the Time Sheet Approver User ID field on the resource card approves the time sheet.
When integrated with manufacturing a resource-machine can be linked to a work / machine center. In that scenario processing the time input line will create and post an output journal and not create a time sheet line.

Posting Time Sheet Lines

With Resource Tasks there are 2 methods to post approved time sheet lines:

  1. Upon Approval, when you approve a line it is automatically posted.
  2. From the Approved Time Sheet Lines page. With this method you have a have a better separation of functions between approving and posting.

Note: Posting Upon Approval depends on the setting Post Time Sheet Line on Approval in the Resources Setup.

Time Sheet Status Fact-box

The Time Sheet Status Fact-box has been extended with Capacity showing the Resource's planned capacity for the Time Sheet Period

See Also

Resource Management