IEM Project Manager Role Center

The role center provides direct access to all ProjectManagement functionality.

The menu ribbon is divided in the following sections:

  • Sales: Contacts, Customers, Sales Invoices, Sales Credit Memos
  • Projects: Planned Projects, Quoted Projects, Open Projects
  • Resource Mgt.: Resources, Resource Groups
  • Purchasing: Vendors, Purchase Orders, Purchase Invoices, Purchase Credit Memos
  • Assembly: Assembly Orders
  • Production: Planned Production Orders, Firm Planned Production Orders, Released Production Orders, Production BOMs, Routings
  • Warehousing: Inventory Put-Away, Warehouse Receipts, Warehouse Put-Away, Inventory Picks, Warehouse Shipments, Warehouse Picks, Transfer Orders
  • Service: Service Items, Service Orders, Service Contracts
  • Journals: Recurring ProjectJournals, Recurring Resource Journals, Recurring Item Journals
  • Posted Documents: Posted Sales Invoices, Posted Sales Credit Memos, Posted Purchase Receipts, Posted Purchase Invoices, Posted Purchase Credit Memos, G/L Registers, ProjectRegisters, Item Registers, Resource Registers

Embedded actions

  • Unassigned: shows the projects not assigned to a person responsible
  • Items: opens the item list


The Headline is a sub-page which cycles through a greeting based on the User ID's full name and a link to the main on-line help page.


  • New: ProjectJournal, ProjectJournal, ProjectG/L Journal, Resource Journal, Item Journals, ProjectCreate Sales Invoices, Update ProjectItem Cost.
  • Reports: ProjectAnalysis, ProjectActual to Budget, Project- Planning Line, ProjectSuggested Billing, Projects per Customer, Items per Project, Projects per Item
  • Manage: Projects Setup, Templates, Surcharges, Work Breakdown Repositories, ProjectCodes, ProjectFinancial
  • Tasks: ProjectBudget Lines, ProjectClosing
  • History: Navigate, Completed Projects


The drill down gives access to 2 actions:

  1. Projects per status (Planned, Quoted, Open, Warning)
  2. Project Replenishment (Purchase, Assembly, Production, Transfer)


Shows panels with the following information:

  • My Projects: the Projects for which the current user is the person responsible
    From the My Projects panel you can open the ProjectOverview (Ctrl+Shift+O) from the My Projectmenu.
  • Project Actual Price to Budget Price: column chart comparing the total budgeted price to the total actual price per project.
  • Project Actual Cost to Budget Cost: column chart comparing the total budgeted cost to the total actual cost per project.
  • Project Profitability: column chart comparing the total budgeted profit to the total actual profit per project.


As part of the Role Center a ProjectOverview page is available bringing together the main components of a Project. The purpose of the ProjectOverview page is to provide an overview of the Projectand make it easier to create a, printed, ProjectConfirmation. The report for this has been updated to include the comment sections and has the option to hide or display the Project Tasks.

The ProjectOverview page is opened from the My Projects list in the IEM Project Management role center and brings the main projectcomponents together on the fast tabs. The page shows a graph with the cumulative values for the Projectto compare budgeted costs to forecasted costs as well as a line representing the invoicing schedule.

The ProjectOverview page itself is not editable. Each of the fast tabs has an Edit button to open the related page from which the lines can be actually edited. Besides the Edit button a Comments button provides direct access to the comments linked to the selected line on the fast tab. Comments can be edited with the help of a simple text editor which is included in IEM as an extension.

The fast tabs in the ProjectOverview show the following ProjectComponents:

  • Deliverables: The result of the project that is intended to be delivered to a customer (either internal or external). From the Deliverables page Service Objects can be created.
  • Billable Lines: contract ? or billable lines to be invoiced, created either with the Initialize function for fixed price Projects or automatically through the Time & Material or Delivery invoicing methods.
  • Tasks: Lists the Project Tasks as the work packages for the Project.
  • Documents: the document store for the Projectlinked to the Project Site.


An S-curve is a mathematical graph or illustration that illustrates the cumulative data for the Project. The data represents the cumulative amounts of Forecast, Actual and Billable during the timeline of the Project.

Document Summary

The Document Summary lists all the documents related to the Project. The Document Summary is organized in tabs and shows the number of documents. By clicking on the number you can open the list to actually view the document.

See Also

Create ProjectWizard
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