Create Project Wizard

With the Create ProjectWizard you create a Project from a selected template by specifying the most important field.

Using Create Project Wizard

To use the Create ProjectWizard you start from the IEM Project Manager role center:

  1. Drill down on Activities and select Create Projector use Short Cut Ctrl+J
  2. On the first page you have to select the ProjectStatus, the default is Open, other options are Quote, Planning
  3. Select Next
  4. On the second page specify the following fields:
    • Describe you project: Provide a short description
    • Which template do you want to: Select a Base Template
    • What is the start date of the project?: You must select a start date when the scheduling direction is Forward.
    • What is the end date of the project?: You must select an end date when the scheduling direction is Backward.
    • What is the Scheduling Direction?: Select Forward or Backward.
    • Who is the customer? Select a customer.
    • Who is the person responsible? Select a resource as the person responsible/project manager.
  5. Select Finish to create the Project.


  • Forward = (As Soon As Possible - ASAP) calculates the timeline from the specified start date and shows when the project can be finished with this timeline.
  • Backward = (Just In Time - JIT) calculates the timeline from the specified end date and shows when the project must start with this timeline.
  • In the ProjectCard the UserID is selected in the Project Manager field. By linking the UserID to a Resource in the User Setup the Create ProjectWizard will also update the Project Manager field. The project manager field is used to show the Projects in My Projects on the Project Manager Role Center.
  • When the wizard cannot find a UserID a message will show: "Resource No. %1 is not assigned to any user, the Project Manager field is not updated. You can assign Resource No. %1 to a UserID in the User Setup".
  • When the backward calculation results in a starting date before the work date a warning will be shown: "Starting date is before the work date".

See Also

JMS Project Manager Role Center