IEM - Advanced Job Management

Walkthrough: Create and Approve a Change Order

The work that has to be carried out and the contract amount that is agreed are known at the beginning of the Job. In many cases however the work that is actually carried out deviates from the original budget. The Change Order makes it possible to track these deviations and implement a procedure in which first an estimate for the changes is creating, an approval is obtained and when the Job Change order is approved a Job Task can be created. This Job Task number will become visible in the Job Change order and on the Job Task the Change Order will be visible.

In this walkthrough, you learn how to create a Job Change Order Estimate. When the Estimate is complete it can be submitted for Approval using the combined Lifecycle and Workflow. From an approved estimate a Job Task can be created through the Create Job Task action.

About This Walkthrough

This walkthrough provides an overview of how to create a Job Change Order estimate, how to submit an estimate for approval, and how to use the Create Job Task.

This walkthrough illustrates the following tasks:

  • Setting up the sample data.
  • Create a Job Change Order.
  • Completing the Estimate and submit for Approval.
  • Use the Create Job Task action to create Job Tasks from an approved Estimate.


To complete this walkthrough, you will need:

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
  • CRONUS International Ltd. demonstration database.
  • STAEDEAN IEM demo set.


Prakash is the project manager at CRONUS International Ltd. Prakash runs into some additional requirements in the project which the customer has not made clear before. Prakash estimates the additional work and requests David, the sales person, to obtain an approval from the customer for this additional work. Prakash and David decide to keep the Change Order separate from the Job's fixed price and complete the additional work on a Time & Material basis.

Setting Up the Sample Data

The Job Change Order Number series

Change Orders have there own number series which are set in the Advanced Job Management setup

The Job Change Order Lifecycle

Processing the Job Change Order is controlled by a Lifecycle consisting of the following states

State Description
10-DRAFT Initial state for a new Change Order record.
20-EDIT The Change Order is being edited.
30-SEND The Change Order is send in for approval. The SendDocForApproval action starts the Dynamics NAV approval workflow
40-APPROVED The Change Order has been approved. The Create Task action is now available for further processing.
50-REJECTED The Change Order has been rejected. The next task could be EDIT.
60-CANCELLED The approval request for the Change Order has been cancelled to further edit the change order.
70-HOLD The Change Order is on hold, further processing has stopped.
99-ERROR A state transition has thrown an error to be resolved by the user.\

The Job Change Order Workflow

The Lifecycle calls a Dynamics NAV Workflow to obtain an approval

When Event On Condition Then Response
APPROVAL OF A N050JOBCHANGEORDER IS REQUESTED. Always Create an approval request for the record using approver type Workflow User Group and workflow user group code IEM-JCO
Send approval request for the record and create a notification.
An approval request is approved. Pending Approvals: >0 Send approval request for the record and create a notification.
An approval request is approved. Pending Approvals: 0 Show message "The Change Order has been approved".
An approval request is rejected. Always Show message "The Change Order has been rejected".

The Job Change Order Reason Codes

Change Orders can be classified by a Change Order Code

Code Description
CUSREQ Additional Customer Requests.
NOSPEC Not in original specification.


Create a Job Change Order

  1. Open the Jobs List: ./Departments/Advanced Job Management/Advanced Job Management/Jobs.
  2. Select the Job for which you want to create a Change Order and click Change Order in the ribbon.
  3. In the Job Change Orders list click New, on the new line you typically complete the following fields:
Field Description
Job Change Order Code Click the Assist Edit to select as number series. Click OK in the No. Series List to confirm the selection
Description Provide a short description for the change order
Comments Comments can be used for a more elaborate description of the change order. The field on the change order line indicates if comments exist (Yes/No). You can drill down on this field or use the Comments action on the Navigate tab.
Change Order Code Select one of the Change Order codes to classify the Change order.
Estimated Resource Cost Specify the total amount of, estimated, resource costs for the change order
Estimated Material Cost Specify the total amount of, estimated, material costs for the change order
Estimated Equipment Cost Specify the total amount of, estimated, equipment costs for the change order
Estimated Expenses Specify the total amount of, estimated, expenses for the change order
Total Estimated Cost Shows the total for the estimated fields, the field is calculated and cannot be edited.
App Indicates if the Change Order has been approved, this field is set through the approval workflow
Enhanced Status Shows the current Lifecycle state Job Task No. Shows the Job Task number created from the change order

Completing the Estimate and submit for Approval

  1. When complete use the Change Status action in the ribbon to 30-SEND to submit the change order to the workflow approval. A confirmation will appear: "An approval request has been sent".
  2. When Approved the workflow will set the Lifecycle State to 40-APPROVED. This will set the Approved field to True so the Create Job Task action will be visible.
  3. When Rejected the workflow will set the Lifecycle State to 50-REJECTED. The options are now:
    To use the Change Status to return to the 20-EDIT state, modify the change order estimate and re-submit for approval.
    Leave the change order in the Rejected State.

Use the Create Job Task action to create Job Tasks from an approved Estimate

  1. When the change order has the approved state the Create Job Task action is available in the ribbon

  2. Click the Create Job Task action to open the wizard

  3. Complete the following fields:

    Field Description
    Job Task No. Type a new Job Task No. which is not in use yet in the Job.
    Description Provide a short description for the Job Task.
    Job Element Select one of the Job Elements when in use.
    Job Activity Select one of the Job Activities when in use.
    Invoice Template Code Select the Invoicing Template for the Change Order Job Task to set the Invoicing Method. Leave blank if the Job Invoicing Method is to be used.
    Invoicing Method Will be set through the selected Invoicing Template.
    Contract Amount Type an amount when the Invoicing Method for the change order job task is Fixed Price.
    Contract Amount (LCY) Will be calculated when the Invoicing Currency or the Job's Currency is different from the local currency.
    Starting Date Select the starting date for the change order job task.
    Ending Date Select the ending date for the change order job task.
    Nr. of Days Type the no. of working days for the change order job task.
    Job Posting Group Select a Job Posting Group for the change order job task when different for the job's posting group.
    Surcharge Model Code Select a Surcharge Model Code for the change order job task when different for the job's surcharge model code.
    WIP Method Select a WIP Method for the change order job task when different for the job's WIP method.
    WIP Total Select a WIP Total code blank, Total, Excluded for the change order job task when different for the job's WIP Total.
  4. Click OK to create the Job Task, the Job Task number will show in the Change Order to confirm the creation and to prevent from being created twice

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