ANY Process Demo: Transfer Shipment

Overall Process Flow

The Transfer Shipment process, supports the transfer of stock into a transit location, using a transfer order.

Overall Process Flow


Make sure you have already set up the prerequisites for this process.

1. Select the Transfer Shipment menu button TransferShipmentStep4
2. The next screen appears. Enter your transfer order number, or use F6=Lookup to view the available orders TransferShipmentStep5
3. Enter a posting date or confirm the default one TransferShipmentStep6
4. Scan an item or use F6=Lookup to select one from the order. Select item 70010 and use F4=Ok TransferShipmentStep7
5. In the next screen enter a quantity to ship, for example 5 and hit F4=OK TransferShipmentStep8
6. The transfer order line has been updated with a quantity to ship of 5
  • Go to Warehouse/Orders & Contacts/Transfer Orders and open your transfer order
  • Item 70010 has a Qty. to Ship set to 5


7. The process goes back to the scanning item screen. Scan item 80216-T or use F6=Lookup to select it. TransferShipmentStep10
8. The next screen requires a lot number to be entered, because item 80216-T is lot tracked. Enter a lot number or use F6=Lookup to select one TransferShipmentStep11
9. In the next screen enter a quantity to ship, enter 15 (maximum quantity available in LOT LOT5554202) and hit F4=OK TransferShipmentStep12
10. The process goes back to the scanning item screen. Scan item 80102-T or use F6=Lookup to select it. In the lookup screen you can already see the handled quantity in the previous steps TransferShipmentStep13
11. The next screen requires a serial number to be entered, because item 80102-T is serial tracked. Enter a serial number or use F6=Lookup to select one TransferShipmentStep14
12. The process goes back to the scanning item screen. Handle the remaining quantity and hit F7=Post to schedule the transfer shipment to be posted via the job queue TransferShipmentStep15
13. Confirm the order details and hit F4=OK TransferShipmentStep16
14. The process goes back to the initial screen of scanning a transfer order TransferShipmentStep5
15. You can view your updated transfer order in Business Central. Go to your transfer order, and under Related/Documents you have the action Shipments TransferShipmentStep17
16. Tracking details can be seen for item 80216-T and 80102-T by selecting a line, and opening the tracking details for shipment TransferShipmentStep18