ANY Process Demo: Transfer Receipt - Prerequisites

Execute the following setup configuration before running this demo process.

Item Tracking

Since there are no warehouse tracked items in the Cronus Company, 2 item tracking codes are modified to support this. WARNING: There is a chance these modifications cannot be reversed. If these instructions are not applied on a DEMO VPC, you may opt to create new codes instead of modifying them

  1. Go to the menu Warehouse/Inventory/Setup/Item Tracking Codes
  2. Select the code LOTALL and click the edit button to open the card
  3. Expand the Lot No. tab and enable Lot Warehouse Tracking. Press OK and close the page


  1. Select SNALL in the item tracking codes list and click the edit button to open the card
  2. Expand the Serial No. tab and enable SN Warehouse Tracking. Press OK and close the page


Create Inventory for Items

In this demo script a couple of items supporting item tracking can be handled. These items are not on inventory. The following steps will create sufficient inventory

  1. Go to the menu Warehouse/Inventory/Item Journals.Open the item journal page
  2. In the new screen, add the following lines.


  1. Select the new journal line with item 80216-T, got to Line/Item Tracking Lines and add two tracking lines for it.


  1. Select the new journal line with item 80102-T and add the next tracking details, confirm again with OK.


  1. Post the journal lines with the Post button
  2. Go to Warehouse/Orders & Contacts/Transfer Orders and create a new transfer order
  3. Add the following setup in the general tab and add three lines to the order.


  1. Release the transfer order
  2. Run the Transfer Shipment process on your transfer order or ship the order manually from the Posting menu, with the option Ship checked


Run the demo process