Connecting to EmbedApp

Third Party Apps can connect to our EmbedApp via Connector Apps.
Microsoft has several options for this, including OData Connectors, however on the EmbedApp only the Business Central Connector works.

Standaard Business Central uses the following URL:
EmbedApps use a different URL:

For embed-partner tenants, the OAuth flow authenticating the user to the web service should ask Azure AD for a token for the resource, which resolves to the Business Central application.
It then connects to a different URL, which is

Error when using Odata Connector

Built-in Power BI OData Connectors only supports requesting a token for the same resource as the URL it is connecting to.
That means, it will try to get a token for the resource instead of
But this resource does not exist, and as a consequence the customer gets an error saying that the resource pricipal name was not found in the tenant.

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