Design Details: Inventory Costing

This documentation provides detailed technical insight to the concepts and principles that are used within the Inventory Costing features in Business Central.

Inventory costing, also referred to as cost management, is concerned with recording and reporting business operating costs.

In This Section

Design Details: Costing Methods
Design Details: Item Application
Design Details: Known Item Application Issue
Design Details: Cost Adjustment
Design Details: Posting Date on Adjustment Value Entry
Design Details: Expected Cost Posting
Design Details: Average Cost
Design Details: Variance
Design Details: Rounding
Design Details: Cost Components
Design Details: Inventory Periods
Design Details: Inventory Posting
Design Details: Production Order Posting
Design Details: Assembly Order Posting
Design Details: Reconciliation with the General Ledger
Design Details: Accounts in the General Ledger
Design Details: Inventory Valuation
Design Details: Revaluation

--- author: edupont04

ms.topic: include 12/20/2021 edupont

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