Anywhere Mobility Studio Documentation

License update March 2023

This page describes how to upgrade the Anywhere Portal (running in an On Premise Environment) to a new version without interruption.

Separate download

The download of the Portal can be found on our STAEDEAN Partner Portal

This portal has an extended grace period for license support version 1 and an upgrade script to update the Portal without interruption.

Update Script

To execute the upgrade, please follow these steps:

  • Download and Extract
  • Start the UpdatePortalLean.ps1 script
    • The script will restart itself with admin permissions if it is initially launched without permissions
    • The first input is selecting which site to update, it will list all sites.
    • Select a website with numbers 1-9, from 10 onward, the entire option should be entered
    • After confirmation, the script will determine if the selected website is indeed an Anywhere Website, by confirming various files
    • In case the script detects that the Portal does not require an update. It will ask to continue, (default answer (No) will halt the upgrade)
    • The current Portal is backed up to a new folder in the same directory as the script: Workfolder/Backup/
    • The archive will be extracted to a different folder in the workfolder, this will be used as the source files
    • The application settings are updated
      • In case AuthenticationType is missing, the OnPrem authentication type is added
      • In case LicenseWarningDays is missing, the default value of 30 is added
    • The vital files are overwritten: these are
      • Portal/bin/DAW.dll
      • Portal/bin/DAW.JsonHelper.dll
      • Portal/bin/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
      • Portal/bin/Microsoft.Identity.Client.dll
      • Portal/bin/Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll
      • Portal/default.aspx
      • Portal/Generic.aspx
      • Portal/GridWorkerService.aspx
      • Portal/LicenseInfo.aspx
    • After all files are replaced, the update is completed This script will take less than a minute to run, the interruption for users is almost non-existing