Workflow Notifications

Set up your workflows to automatically notify users when their attention is required for a step in that workflow. Many workflow responses are about notifying a user that an event has occurred that they must act on. For example, on one workflow step, the event can be that User 1 requests approval of a new record, and the response is that a notification is sent to User 2, the approver. On the next workflow step, the event can be that User 2 approves the record, and the response is that a notification is sent to User 3 to start a related processing of the approved record. For workflow steps that are about approval, each notification is tied to an approval entry. For more information, see Workflow.

The generic version of Business Central supports notifications as email and as internal notes.

All workflow notifications are sent through a job queue. Make sure that the job queue in your installation is set up to handle workflow notifications, and that the Start Automatically From Server check box is selected. For more information, see Use Job Queues to Schedule Tasks.

Set up notifications

You set up different aspects of workflow notifications in the following places:

  • Approver notification

    For approval workflows, you set up the recipients of workflow notifications by filling a line on the Approval User Setup page for each user that takes part in the workflow.

    For example, if User 2 is specified in the Approver ID field on the line for User 1, then the approval request notification is sent to User 1. For more information, see Set Up Approval Users.

  • Notification schedules

    You set up when and how users receive workflow notifications by filling the Notification Schedule page for each workflow user. For more information, see Specify When and How to Receive Notifications.

  • Customize the email notifications

    If you want, you can customize the content of the email notification by modifying report 1320, Notification Email. For more information, see Create and Modify Custom Report Layouts.

    [!NOTE] If you want to use email as the notification method, you must set up email for both the sender and the receiver in Business Central. For more information, see Set up Email.

  • Response options

    You set up specific content and rules of a workflow notification when you create the workflow in question. You do this by selecting options on the Workflow Response Options page for the workflow response that represents the notification. For more information, see step 9 in Create Workflows.

  • Notify sender

    For approval workflows, add a workflow response step to notify the sender when the request has been approved or rejected. For more information, see step 9 in Create Workflows.

See Also

Set Up Approval Users
Set Up Workflow Users
Specify When and How to Receive Notifications
Create Workflows
Create and Modify Custom Report Layouts
Use Job Queues to Schedule Tasks
Set up Email
Walkthrough: Setting Up and Using a Purchase Approval Workflow

--- author: edupont04

ms.topic: include 12/20/2021 edupont

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