Product Engineering - Engineering Change Management

How To : Manual Engineering Change Orders

The Engineering Change Staging can also be manually filled with the EC Staging Manual Entry. This can be used in a scenario where there is no engineering system (PLM/CAD) or a file based exchange is not possible while the company still would like to manage revision based changes to Items and BOMs.

To create a manual ECO

  • From the "ECM Portal" Role Center select EC Staging Manual Entry to open the ECO Manual List.
  • Select New from the ribbon and complete the following fields:
Field Explanation
Document No. Will be assigened as per No. Series in the Engineering Staging Nos specified in the Engineering Change setup
Request Type Select New or Update
When the Request Type is New the No. field is not editable as the new number is assigned from the No. Series.
When the Request Type is Update the No. to update can be selected in the No. box. The existing field values will be retrieved.
Type Item, Production BOM, Routing
Description When New provide a description, when Update the description will be retrieved.
Description 2 Optional description
Variant Code Select from the Item - Variant table, not available for New Items
Production BOM Version No. Select from Production BOM Version list when Type = Production BOM
Routing Version No. Select from Routing Version list when Type = Routing
Revision Code Type a code to identify the revision
Revision Description Provide a short description of the revision
Received Date Select the date the revision was received
Effective Date Select the date from which the revision will be effective


The ECO Subform will change as per the Type selected in the header:

  • Item = ECO Item Subform will show the current details of an Item when Updating, complete Item details for a New Item.
  • Production BOM = ECO Prod. BOM Subform, shows the current BOM when Updating, specify the component lines for a New BOM
  • Routing = ECO Routing Subform, shows the current Routing when Updating, specify the Operations for a New Routing

Use the Create Order action in the ribbon to create the Engineering Change Order from the manual entry.

See also


Engineering Change Management