Business Integration Solutions Documentation

How To: Setup Code Event/NETCode Event

A Code Event/NETCode Event is is used to trigger an outbound pipeline based on AL code in Microsoft Dynamics Business Central.

To trigger a code-event, AL code must be created to trigger the right code. See How to Create a Code Event

To setup Code event:

  1. Create a connection and insert the element CODEEVENT.
  2. On the elements line, click Edit.
  3. On the Code Event Setup, fill in the following fields:
Field Description
Event ID The identifier to trigger this specific code event
Table ID The code-event is triggerd with a record scope, the table ID signifies which record is shared via this event
Table Filter Optionally, enter a table filter to only execute this code event with records in a specific range
Post with job queue In case code-event should be handled by a separate job queue entry, enable this option to asynchronously run the connection from the session triggering the code-event
Job Queue Category Code Setup the Job queue category code, to ensure parallell processing
  1. Click Check Configuration to see if there are any configuration errors.
  2. Click Ok.

Code Event Setup (SaaS)

To setup NETCode Event:

  1. Create a connection and insert the element NETCODEEVENT.
  2. On the elements line, click Edit.
  3. On the NETCode Event Setup, fill in the following fields:
Field Description
Object Type Select the BC object type based on which your would like to trigger the pipeline.
Object ID Specify the specific BC object id.
Object Name Specifies the object name, selected automatically.
Table No. This field is used for filtering purpose. Select the table on which you would like to apply filters.
Table Filter Specify the table filter. This filter will be applied on the data set.
Post With Job Queue Select this field if you want to process the connection using the job queue with a specific category.
Job Queue Category Code Select the job queue category used for grouping and filtering jobs.
  1. Click Check Configuration to see if there are any configuration errors.
  2. Click Ok.

NETCode Event Setup

The NETCode Event is available only for OnPremise environments, and it is marked as obsolete. Please consider switching to the Code Event in your connections.