Business Integration Solutions Documentation

How to: Build Notification Using Wizard

Use this task to learn about the preferred way of building a notification using the wizard. Once the wizard has created a notification, you have possibilities to make changes to the notification pipeline and element properties.

To build Notification using wizard:

  1. Click Departments/Business Integration Solutions/Notification Management/Design/Notifications.
  2. On the Notification page, click New.
  3. Select the following fields on the Create New Notification wizard:
Field Description
Code Identifictaion of the Notification.
Description Short description about the Notification.
How do you want to create this Notification? Following options are available:
- New: You can create a new Notification using the wizard. The wizard will guide you to create a new Notification.
- From a Template: You can create a new Notification based on a predefined Notification template.
- Blank: You can create a new Notification by configuring all the settings manually.
Table Name Select the table based on which the notification is created.
  1. If you want to use the wizard for creating the notification, select New in the third field and click Next.
  2. On the Document Lines:
  • Select related tables using Add Tables action.
  • Select fields using Add Fields action.
  • Based on the chosen table, you're now able to add field to this document. Specify at least the sender, recipients and the information you need for the subject and e-mail body.
  1. Click Next.
  2. Based on the document which is defined, you can now specify the following header fields:
Field Description
From Specify the recipients of the e-mail. It is also possible to add a constant value, e.g. "".
To Specify the recipients of the e-mail.
Cc Specify the recipients of the e-mail.
Subject Specify the subject. You can aslo use expressions.
Report Name Use the Attach Report action and select the report that you would like to attach.
  1. Click Next.
  2. Use the HTML editor to define your e-mail body. An option would be to paste an HTML code directly in the source. Do not forget to save and compile before continuing. For more informationon how to work withthe editor, please check CKEditor.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select the following fields:
Field Description
Trigger Specify how this Notification is triggered. If you choose a Record Change Event, specify the fields based on which the Record Change Event will react. If you choose a Timer Event, define the recurrence. A Job Queue Entry will be created.
Filter Specify a filter based on which the record set will be generatred.
  1. Click Next.
  2. Specify the settings for the SMTP server.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click Finish to confirm the Notification.

Once the notification is created, it is always possible to make additional changes to the notification.