Advanced Job Setup

Specifies the setup of jobs and the treatment of work in process (WIP) in your organization.


Use this FastTab to specify the general setup for jobs, including information on which work in process accounting technique to apply.

Option Description
Automatic Update Job Item Cost Specifies update behavior for cost changes.
Apply Usage Link by Default Specifies that all jobs in your organization will have a link between usage and job planning lines.
Default WIP Method Specifies which WIP method is the default for your organization. You can select one of the methods provided by Microsoft Dynamics NAV, or create a customized WIP method. To see the list of available options, choose the drop-down arrow to the right of the Default WIP Method field. You can also create a customized method.
Default WIP Posting Method Specifies the application of the default WIP posting method.
Default Job Posting Group Specifies the default WIP posting group.


Use this FastTab to specify the default numbering series. You can select any value from the list or create a new value. To see the list of available options, click the drop-down arrow to the right of the ... Nos. field

Option Description
Job Nos Use this Field to specify the default numbering series for jobs.
Job Deliverable Nos Use this Field to specify the default numbering series for jobs deliverables.
Combined Job Nos Use this Field to specify the default numbering series for combined jobs.
WIP Document Nos Use this Field to specify the default numbering series for WIP documents.
Job Change Order Nos Use this Field to specify the default numbering series for job change orders.
Service Object Nos Use this Field to specify the default numbering series for service objects.
Posted Job Deliveries Nos Use this Field to specify the default numbering series for Posted Deliveries. Created when an Item Planning Line with application type Delivery is posted.


Use this FastTab to set features specific to Advanced Job Management

Option Description
Action if Error during Job Completion When the Job is set to the status Completed a number of checks are being made. With this setting you can have the system respond with an Error or a Warning. Error means the Job cannot be set to completed unless the Error is fixed.
Base for ETC calculation The Estimate To Completion calculation can either be based on the Budget or on the, latest, Forecast.
Forecast Rounding method Set the rounding method for the numbers in the Forecast.
Summary Rounding method Set the rounding method for the numbers in the Summaries.
Job Dimension Code Specify the Job Dimension code. When specified a new Dimension Value, containing the Job Number, will be created with each Job. This allows you to track all Job Postings with this Dimension Value.
Resource Cost Type Code Use this Field to define the code for Resource type costs (Resources of the type Person).
Equipment Cost Type Code Use this Field to define the code for Equipment type costs (Resources of the type Machine).
Item Cost Type Code Use this Field to define the code for Item type costs.
G/L Account Cost Type Code Use this Field to define the code for Item type costs.
Base Calendar Code Use this Field to select the default calendar for Jobs, this calendar can also be set in the Base Template or on the Job card.
Customized Calendar Indicates if the Base Calendar is customized.
Allow assignment from Budget line When checked you are allowed to post resource time, as expected resource costs, to the Job while in the Quote state.
Plan Production at Task end The due date of production orders created from the Job Item Planning line will be set to Job Task ending date.
Plan Assembly at Task end The due date of assembly orders created from the Job Item Planning line will be set to Job Task ending date.

Job Features

Use this FastTab to select the Features (user defined fields) to be used in Jobs

Job Quotes

Use this FastTab to set how Opportunities linked to a Job Quote are handled

Option Description
Cancel Existing Open To-Do's When checked the To-Do's linked to an Opportunity will be set to "Cancelled" when the Opportunity is closed.

Job Task Default Postings

Use this FastTab to set the initial posting options for a Job Task, these options are set when the Job Task is first created. When an option is checked it means that type of posting is blocked. With the STAEDEAN lifecycle for Job Tasks you can set action handlers which can switch options on and of during a state transition.

Sharepoint Setup

Use this FastTab to make the setting for a SharePoint based project portal linked to a Job.

Option Description
SharePoint Project Site The URL to the Sharepoint Project Site, the Job.ProvisionProjectSite action handler can be used in the Job Lifecycle to provision a sub site per Job from the Project Site.
Is SharePoint Online When true this setting indicates that SharePoint online is being used, when false an on-premise version of SharePoint is used.
SharePoint Site Template The name of the site template uploaded in the SharePoint solution gallery. This template will be used to provision the subsite.
SharePoint Admin User The user ID for the SharePoint Admin which should have permissions toi create sub sites.
SharePoint Admin Password Password.

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