Transport and Deliveries - Container Type Setup

To use Transport and Deliveries, you must provide a few basic settings. This topic describes how to set up container types to be used with transport orders.

To set up Container Types

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon (Alt+Q) enter Container Types and click the relevant link.
  2. Under Administration section, click Container Types. This opens a list of all container types.
  3. Click New to create a new container type.
  4. Enter values for the Code and Description fields. Typically, you must fill values for the following fields.
Field Description
Unit of Measure This is a mandatory field. Specify the unit of measure for the container type. This field uses the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV Unit of Measures.
Length/Width/Height These fields determine the standard measurement of the container type. Make sure to use a consistent notation (m, cm, mm, ft) as these fields do not consider a unit of measure.
Tare Weight Specify the tare weight for the container type. The tare weight is the weight of a container type when empty.
Volume The field contains the volume as calculated using the Length, Width and Height fields. The value is used as the default value in the Transport Order Line.
Loading Meters Specify the loading length for the container type. The value is used as the default value in the Transport Order Line. The loading length is based on the optimal positioning of the container assuming the standard width of a truck.
Stackable Specify the Stackable value for the container type. The value represents the number of containers that can be stacked on top of each other. This field plays a role in the calculation of the total loading meters in truck.
Blocked for Transport If this check box is selected, the container type cannot be used in a Transport Order Line.
Container Item No. Select an Item No. for the container. When an item number is specified it is possible to track the inventory of containers.
Item Unit of Measure Copied from the Item card. This item unit of measure should match the container item unit of measure. However this is not enforced nor is there any conversion between these units of measure.
Purchase Process Select how to handle container transactions in inbound documents - Blank = No. transactions are handled. - Adjustment = With this setting inventory transactions for the Container Item are created when a Inbound Transport Order is posted. - Purchase = Currently this function is not supported. The option is intended for a future release to add a container item line to a purchase document
Sales Process Select how to handle container transactions in outbound documents - Blank = No. transactions are handled. - Adjustment = With this setting inventory transactions for the Container Item are created when a Outbound Transport Order is posted. - Sale = Currently this function is not supported. The option is intended for a future release to add a container item line to a sales document

See Also

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