Resource Workload

Resource Workload

The Resource, and Resource Group, workload pages show capacity, allocation and load % for all resources or resource groups.
From the workload page you can open the Resource Availability page to drill down to the actual source documents

The workload information has been summarized per:

  • Capacity
  • Net Capacity (Capacity - Absence)
  • Availability after Orders (Net Capacity - Allocation to Projects, - Service, - Assembly and - Production)
  • Net Availability (Availability after Orders - Allocation to ProjectBudget lines, - Service Quotes, - Planned Production)

From the Resource Availability page you can drill down to:

  • Absence Entries
  • ProjectPlanning Lines of the type Resource
  • Service Order Allocations
  • Assembly Order Allocations
  • Released Production Order Routing Resources
  • ProjectBudget Lines of the type Resource
  • Service Quote Allocations
  • Planned or Firm Planned Production Order Routing Resources

See Also

Resource Management