Project Summary

The Project Summary page displays the most important KPI for a project. The ProjectForecast is an important part of the Summary, in order to have an up-to-date view on the numbers the Project Forecast has to be run by the user. The ProjectForecast is calculated from the budget lines where the settings on the Budget card determine the details on the forecast.

  • The Summary page is also available as a Project Task Summary, Project Element Summary and JProject Activity Summary These pages are based on the same data but filtered on the Project Task resp. the Project Element or Project Activity.
  • The Summary pages provide the following information:
    • The General fast tab of the Project Summary page consists of 3 separate parts:
      1. The upper left part shows invoicing information based on the Project Contract Lines. The information is grouped per invoicing method and separated between the main contract and change orders for additional work, besides that a total is shown.
      2. The upper right corner shows the planned profit based on the budget and the forecasted profit based on the forecast.
      3. The lower half of the General tab shows the costs, grouped per cost types and separated in Budget, Actual, Estimate To Completion and Forecast as well as the Variances and the Progress of the costs. Budget information is based on the Project Budget lines and actual numbers are based on the Project Ledger Entries and since they are flow fields the information is always up to date. Estimate To Complete and Forecast are based on the latest set of Project Forecast lines.
  • The Currency fast tab shows the same information as the General tab but in a different, Invoicing, Currency as set for the Project
  • The Labor fast tab shows the number of hours for Resources of the type Person as well as Machine (= Equipment)
  • The Supply fast tab shows the values of the purchase - and production orders for the Project

See also