Planning Line Colors

To assist planners in determining which planning lines need attention AJM uses color codes.

Since availability and inventory is calculated per Project and assuming that an item can appear on multiple Project Planning Lines first the Total Remaining Qty. per item is calculated for the Project.

The Planning Information fact-box on the Project Planning Line shows, for items:

  • Availability is calculated as inventory at the Planning Date minus reservations (Available to Promise).
  • Inventory is calculated as the physical inventory on hand without considering any reservations meaning this inventory could be reserved for other demand.
  • Reserved Quantity on Inventory shows inventory actually reserved for the selected planning line as part of the total inventory

These calculations are used to show the following colors:

  • GREEN: Availability > Total Remaining Qty. "Don't worry" there is enough available inventory to cover the Project demand.
  • BLUE: Availability < Total Remaining Qty. and the demand is not transferred to a supply order, so, this line must be ordered.
  • BOLD: Availability < Total Remaining Qty. but the demand is transferred to a supply order, waiting to be received.
  • RED: Inventory < Total Remaining Qty. and the demand is transferred to a supply order and the planning date < work date. Although ordered the supply is too late and must be expedited.


New Project Planning Line Notification and fact box are indicating that there is no supply for this item. Although there is inventory, availability shows -10 which means that the 10 on inventory are apparently reserved for another order. The, blue/italics, line color indicates that there is no supply order.

Supply ordered A purchase order has been placed and the fact box indicates there is no longer a – availability for this line. The black/bold line color indicates a purchase order has been created.

Supply is late The work date is now later than the planning date which makes the line color change to red as a warning.

Supply received The purchase order has been received. Inventory increased to 20 and the Reserved Quantity on Inventory shows 10. The green line color indicates that inventory is available and ready to be posted.

Planning Line posted The planning line has been posted. The line color is back to standard, inventory and reserved quantity on inventory decreased.

See Also

Project Logistics