
From Project Template to Project to Project Task to Planning Line

If you run your projects at more than one place or warehouse, you must set up each location with a location card and define transfer routes between them. Business Central uses locations to help keep track of inventory in both simpler cases and the more complex warehouse processes.

Default route for Location Codes

In order to make the use of Location Codes easier on the one hand and on the other hand provide flexibility the Location Code can be set on different level where each level inherits the code from the higher level.

You can select a Location Code on the Project Template. When a Project is created from this Base Template the Location Code is copied to the same field on the Project Card. The Location Code on the Project Card will be the default location for the Project Planning Lines. The Location Code is also available on the Project Task. When a Location Code is specified on the Project Task it will be the default Location Card for the Project Planning Line. Once the Project Planning Line is created you can update the Location Code.

Warehouse settings

You can enter information about bins and warehouse policies for each location. IEM adds one additional setting the Consume to Project Bin Code. This setting must be used when the warehouse policy specifies Require Pick and the project planning line Application type is Consume. In that case either an Inventory Pick or a Warehouse Pick (when Require Shipment is also specified) must be created from the Project Task. Registering the pick will populate the Quantity to Post field on the project planning line so the line can be posted. When the project planning line application type is Deliver also create an Inventory Pick or a Warehouse Pick (when Require Shipment is also specified). You can now use the Container Worksheet to add a container and pick the material into that container. Use the Transport Order to ship the container, for more information: Transport and Deliveries.

Transfer Inventory between Locations

You can transfer inventory items between locations by creating transfer orders. Alternatively, you can use the item reclassification journal.
Notes The reclassification journal is an immediate transfer. Transfer orders are applicable when shipping time is needed for the transfer.

In IEM you can create an Inventory Transfer from the project planning line provided that inventory is available for the project planning line. Once created the In Transit field on the project planning line will show Yes. Click on this field to open the transfer order.
Notes Transfer Orders are also used to replenish the demand for a project planning line. Those orders will be created through the Order Planning action and once created the transfer order no. will show in the Replenishment Document Type and Replenishment Document No. The In Transit field will also indicate Yes in this case.

See Also

Project Logistics