Project Resource Planning

In Project Control Suite you can Budget and Plan with Resource Groups.
However, posting time must be per Resource. There are 2 places from where the Resource Group can be broken down in Resources:

  • The Project Budget Line with the Breakdown action.
  • The Project Planning Line with the Resource Group - Expand and Collapse actions.

1. Breakdown Resource Group Budget Line

With the Breakdown action you can split the quantity for a Resource in individual Resources:

  1. Select a Project Budget Line with type Resource Group and a Quantity > 0.
  2. From the Process group select the Breakdown action.
  3. A new page will open in which Resources can be selected, and a quantity can be assigned.
    • The Requested Quantity in the footer shows the Quantity from the Project Budget Line.
    • The Remaining Quantity in the footer shows the Quantity from the Project Budget Line - the Quantity specified for the selected Resource.
  4. With the drill down in the No. field a Resource from the list can be selected.
  5. With the assist edit in the No. field Resources from the Resource Group can be selected.
  6. Once the breakdown is completed click Process to implement the lines (Close will ignore the updates).
    • The breakdown action will set the quantity for the Resource Group to 0.

2. Expand Resource Group Planning Line

With the Expand Group action you can expand a Resource Group in its members:

  1. Select a Project Planning Line with type Resource Group and a quantity > 0.
  2. From the Resource Group menu select the Expand Group action and confirm the action.
  3. A new page will open showing the members of the team.
  4. In the Select column you can check, or uncheck, the resources to be included when expanding.
  5. When selection is complete click OK to complete the action.
    • The quantity on the Resource Group (parent) line will be set to 0.
    • The quantity from the Resource Group line will be split evenly over the selected resources.
    • (In the background the "Quantity before explosion" will be stored as well as "expanded from system-id" to support the Collapse action).

3. Collapse Resource Group Planning Line

With the Collapse Group action you can collapse a Resource Group and delete its members:

  1. Select a Project Planning Line with type Resource Group and a quantity = 0.
  2. From the Resource Group menu select the Collapse Group action and confirm the action.
    • The quantity on the Resource Group (parent) line will be set to quantity before explosion.
    • The Resource member line(s) will be deleted.

4. Add a, temporary, Resource Group member

With the Add Resource action you can, temporarily, add a Resource to the expanded Resource Group: Temporarily means that the Resource Group for the added resource will not be updated. The added Resource is recognized as "expanded from" which means when the group is collapsed also this member line will be deleted.

  1. Select a Project Planning Line with type Resource Group and a quantity = 0.
  2. From the Resource Group menu select the Add Resource action.
  3. In the pop-up select a New Resource No.
  4. Click OK to add the Resource on a new Project Planning Line.
    • The line is added with a 0 quantity since the original quantity was already split over the group members.

5. Order, post, and invoice external resources

External resources can be ordered from the Project Planning Line. Make sure a Vendor number is specified on the Resource card for the external resource.

To order an external resource

  1. Complete and release the Project Planning line from the external resource.
  2. From the Item Planning menu use Create, non-invent., purchase orders, or first request a quote with: Create, non-invent., purchase quote.

Once a purchase order exists for this type of line usage must be posted through the purchase order. Posting the number of hours worked will create a Posted Purchase Receipt. This document can be used as a Payment Certificate to the vendor. This payment certificate allows the vendor to submit an invoice for the "received" quantity of hours. Posting the purchase order as invoiced will create a Project Ledger Entry and update the remaining quantity in the Project Planning Line.

6. See Also

Project Logistics