Project Deliverable

A Deliverable in project management is the tangible or intangible object produced as a result of the project which is intended to be delivered to a customer (either internal or external). A deliverable could be a report, a document, a server upgrade or any other building block of an overall project.
From a Project Deliverable a Service Object can be created with the Create Service Object action from the ribbon.

It is also possible to register the delivery of a Project Deliverable. This delivery will be registered as a Posted Delivery on the specified Project Task with the quantity as specified during the registration process.

Create a Project Deliverable

To create a deliverable typically the following fields need to be completed:

Field Description
No. Type a number or tab to the next field to insert the next number for the number series as set in the Project Setup.
Description Add a short description for the deliverable. If necessary you can add the Description 2 field or use the Comments to create a more elaborate description of the deliverable.
Unit of Measure Select a unit of measure for the Deliverable from the unit of measure table.
Comment When Yes this field indicates that a comment has been created through the Comment action in the ribbon.
Service Item Group Code Select a code from the Service Item Group table if you want to create a Service Object from the Project Deliverable.
Item No. for Service Select an Item No. if the Project Deliverable is based on a standard Item.

Register a Deliverable

To indicate that the Project has been completed the Project Deliverable can be registered as a Posted Delivery.
To register a a Project Deliverable:

  1. Use the Register Project Deliverable action from the Process menu on the Project Deliverables page.
  2. This action will show a pop-up where 2 fields must be completed: Project Task: Select a Project Task of the type Posting to register the Project Deliverable to. Quantity: Specify a quantity for the Project Deliverable
  3. Confirm the registration with Yes or select No to cancel the registration

The registered deliverable can be found in Related > History > Posted Deliveries

See Also

Estimating a Project
Project Logistics