Item Types

Business Central recognizes the following item types:

  • Inventory
  • Service
  • Non-inventory

The matrix below indicates the features that each item type supports:

Posting per Item Type

This means that all 3 Item types can be consumed in a Project, however there is a difference in processing:

Inventory items

The Item Type “Inventory” must be ordered through Order Planning (or MRP) for all replenishment types (Purchase, Assembly, Production and Transfer). Receiving inventory will create an item ledger entry. To actually consume, or deliver, the item the ProjectPlanning Line must be posted to create an Item Ledger Entry of the type Negative Adjustment as well as a ProjectLedger Entry. (Moves the item from Inventory to Work In Process).

Service - and Non-inventory items

For Item types Service and Non-Inventory, as well as Resources and G/L Account a purchase action is available from the ProjectPlanning Line to create a purchase order from the planning line.
Since also the reservation system is not available for this type of orders the source document (purchase) is directly linked to the planning line. This means that when the source document is posted the ProjectPlanning Line is updated and the ProjectLedger Entry is created as well.

See Also

Project Logistics