Create Item Wizard

With the Create Item wizard new items can be created quickly from the ProjectBudget Line (or Project Item Planning Line) by either copying selected information from another item, a catalog item, or create a new item from a template.

1. Page 1

To create a new item

  1. Click the Create Item action from the ProjectBudget ribbon,
  2. Type a new Description and optionally Description 2
  3. Type a new Item No. or select the number series through the assist edit
  4. Select an option to Copy Details From:
    • Blank – Manually complete the fields mentioned below
    • Item – Copy details from another item
    • Catalog Item – Copy details from a catalog item
    • Template – Complete the new item with details from a template
  5. From which do you want to copy? based on the selected option at 4.
  6. Select a new unit of measure (mandatory field)
  7. Check if you want to have the unit cost calculated

2. Page 2

When an item is selected on the first page the following can be checked as information to be copied

  • Dimensions
  • Units of Measure
  • Stock keeping Units
  • Variants
  • Translations
  • Extended Texts
  • BOM Components
  • Sales Prices
  • Sales Line Discounts

3. Page 3

The next page of the wizard is pre-filled by the Copy selection from the first page but can be updated

  • Select the Item Category
  • Select the Product Group
  • Gen. Prod. Posting Group
  • Inventory Posting Group
  • VAT Prod. Posting Group
  • Select the ProjectCost Type
  • Select the Replenishment System
  • Service Item Group
  • Costing method
  • Indirect cost %
  • Price/profit calculation
  • Profit %
  • Price includes VAT
  • Item Disc. Group
  • Allow Invoice Disc.
  • Automatic Ext. Texts
  • Tax Group Code
  • Warehouse Class code

The next pages of the wizard are based on the selected Replenishment System

4. Page 4

Purchase item

  • Vendor
  • Vendor item number

5. Page 5

Production item - routing
Next page allows the user to set a routing for the item

  • How do you want to assign a routing (existing, Copy From, Create New)
  • Which routing to use
  • Which routing version
  • Number of the new routing
  • Describe your routing

6. Page 6

Production item - BOM
Next page allows the user to set a Bill of Material for the item

  • How do you want to assign a BOM (existing, Copy From, Create New)
  • Which BOM to use
  • Which BOM version
  • Number of the new BOM
  • Describe your BOM

7. Page 7

Last Page

  • Finish will complete the wizard, create the item and insert it on the budget/panning line
  • Back will return to page 3
  • Close will leave the wizard without any updates

8. See Also
