Assembly Boms

Assembly BOMs can be made project specific in the budget - as well as the planning line. For this purpose these lines show the following actions:

  • Create/Reset ProjectAssembly BOM: Copies the item's assembly BOM to the ProjectAssembly Component List. This list can be modified by adding or deleting components or changing quantities. When a modified components list already exists a warning will be shown: Project Assembly Components already exist. Do you want to update/delete the components? Answering yes will delete the ProjectAssembly Component List and copy the assembly BOM from the item again.
  • Show ProjectAssembly BOM: Shows the current ProjectAssembly BOM, when not created the standard assembly BOM will be shown.*- Delete ProjectAssembly BOM: Deletes the current ProjectAssembly BOM.

1. Assembly BOM's can be used in 2 ways

  1. As components for an Assembly Order.
  2. As a Set of Components

1.1. Assembly Order

To Assemble an Item Planning line follow these steps:

  1. Complete and Release the Item Planning line, make sure Replenishment System is set to "Assembly" and the Assembly BOM is NOT expanded as components.
  2. Click Replenishment > Order Planning to open the Order Planning page.
  3. When the selected ProjectPlanning Line is not visible in the Order Planning page use the Calculate action to (re)calculate the ProjectDemand.
  4. Use the Make Order action to create the Assembly Order. By selecting the ProjectNo. you can select the "Active Order" and create all supply orders for the Projector select "Active Line" for a specific supply order.
  5. The program will show a message: "The lines were successfully transferred to assembly order(s).
  6. Form the ProjectPlanning Line you can open the Assembly Order by clicking on the Transferred field or use the Show Replenishment Document action from the Replenishment menu.

1.2. Set of Components

To expand the the Assembly BOM as a set of individual Budget/Planning lines

  1. In the budget - as well as the planning line use the Components > Expand Assembly BOM action to expand the assembly BOM as budget - or planning lines.
  2. The Quantity Per field on the parent item will be set to 0. However, this field can be used to change the quantity of the complete set. (The previous quantity will be saved in a, hidden, field "Quantity Before BOM Explosion)
  3. Once expanded you can modify or delete components. To add components select the parent item and then click the Add Components line in the ribbon and select an item nr in the pop-up.

2. See Also

Assembly Order Setup
Assembly Order Planning