ANY Process Demo: WMS Count Inventory

Overall Process Flow

Overall Process Flow

Make sure you have already set up the prerequisites for this process.

Method: Counting List

Step Illustration
1. Select the Warehouse Management button in the menu, and select the WMS Count Inventory button in the WMS Menu. Menu item
2. The next screen appears. Initial screen
3. Choose F6=Lookup and select COUNTLIST1. Press F6=OK. Lookup COUNTLIST1
4. In the next screen, select F7=Counting List to start counting based on the generated lines in the journal. Select Counting List
5. Select a line in the counting list and press F4=OK. Select line
6. Enter or scan the item code in order to confirm the selected counting list line. Scan item code
7. Enter the actual quantity on stock. Enter actual quantity
8. By pressing OK, the Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal in Business Central has been updated and the item is removed from the counting list in the mobile process.

To check this, execute the following steps in Business Central.

8.1. Go to the `Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal` page.

Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal

8.2. Select `COUNTLIST1` as Batch Name.
8.3. The Quantity (Phys. Inventory) field is populated with 5. When registering the journal, BC will create a positive correction on the inventory for the item LS-75 on location WHITE and bin W-01-0001 with 1 piece under the assumption the quantity calculated is 4.

Quantity check

||| |-|-| |9. The field Reason Code at the Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal line is populated with COUNTSCAN. In order to make this visible, add the field Reason Code to the page using Personalization. Add also Serial No. and Lot No..|| Personalize Added columns

Step Illustration
10. In the mobile process, repeat the steps with the second item in the list. If a tracked item is counted, see chapter Tracked Items below. Select second item
11. Finally, the journal can be registed by the authorized inventory manager by means of the Register button.

Tracked items

When a tracked item is selected, the process forks after scanning the item. Items 80216-T and 80102-T were modified to support warehouse tracking. In a different demo they have stock on location WHITE.

1. Lot Tracked items will show the following screen. Enter a lot number from any of the lines available in the journal. If no matching Lot No. was found, an error will appear, new unknown lots can be added via the item by item path. After that, press ok, and the item is not serial tracked. The process will continue as shown before. Enter lot number
2. Similarly, valid serial numbers must be added for serial tracked items.

Method: Item by Item

Step Illustration
1. Select COUNTLIST2 in the journal batch lookup. Lookup COUNTLIST2
2. Select F8=Item by Item in the next screen. Select Item By Item
3. Select Bin Code W-05-0010 in the following screen. Select bin code
4. Enter the item code LSU-4 or use F6=Lookup for a list of items and select the same item Enter item
5. Now the system looks in the Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal for the journal batch COUNTLIST2. If the item is on the counting list, the data of the counting list line is presented. Enter the quantity of the item physically on location/bin, e.g. 75 and press F4=OK. Enter quantity
6. The changes can be seen in Business Central. Go to Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal and select batch COUNTLIST2. Search for item LSU-04 on bin W-05-0010, easily identified by the reason code COUNTSCAN. The Quantity (Phys. Inventory) is populated with 75; when registering the journal, the system will create a negative correction of the inventory for item LSU-04 on location WHITE, bin W-05-0010 for 25 pieces (assuming the calculated quantity is 100 pieces).
Confirm quantity on BC
7. You arrive back at step 3, Enter the item code LSU-4 again. In the next screen, notice that the quantity entered in the previous steps is presented as Quantity Counted earlier. Enter 28 in the Quantity Counted Extra field. Enter item and check quantity
8. The journal line in BC has now changed with a quantity of 103.
9. Back in item selection, select tracked item 80216-T and in the next screen enter any lot number. Lookup
10. There is usually no item tracked stock, so a new line will be created. In the next screen, enter a quantity and press F4=Add. Lookup
11. Back at the item screen, select item number 80102-T. Select second item
12. Enter a new serial number and press F4=OK. Enter serial number
13. See the changes in the Business Central Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal for journal batch COUNTLIST2. Notice that there are two new lines with the COUNTSCAN reason code and the appropriate tracking details and quantities.