ANY Process Demo: Sales Shipment - Prerequisites

Execute the following setup configuration before running this demo process.

Sales & Receivables Setup

In order to set the default value of the field Qty. to Ship at the Sales Order Line to 0 when creating new orders and after posting, the next Sales & Receivables Setup needs to be changed.

  1. Go to Sales & Receivables Setup and set the Default Quantity to Ship to Blank.

Sales & Receivables Setup

Item Tracking

In order to support Item tracking in all preconfigured processes, existing item tracking codes are modified. See more.

Sales Order

In this demo script a released sales order will be shipped. This released sales order needs to be created before the use of the Sales Order Shipment preconfigured process.

TIP: Instead of entering a sales order, you can execute the demo script “Create Sales order” to create a new sales order for location BLUE. Take care that you order items that are on inventory at the location. Don’t forget to release the sales order in Business Central to make it eligible for use in this process.

Execute the following steps before running this demo process.

  1. Go to the Sales Orders page.
  2. Create a new order for customer 10000, The Cannon Group PLC.
  3. Add the following lines with the exact items and quantities as shown below.
Type No. Location Code Quantity
Item FF-100 BLUE 10
Item 80216-T BLUE 10
Item 80102-T BLUE 3

Sales order lines 4. Release the order.

Run the demo process