ANY Process Demo: Inventory Put-away - Prerequisites

Execute the following setup configuration before running this demo process.

Location Setup

  1. Go to the menu Warehouse/Warehouse/Locations and create a new location


  1. Set the code to GOLD and expand the Fast Tab Warehouse. Tick off the fields marked below


  1. Select the Bins button in the ribbon to define new bins on the location.


  1. Go to the menu Finance/Setup/Posting Groups/Inventory Posting Groups and define 3 new posting group lines for location GOLD


Warehouse employee

For the Warehouse Management pre-configured processes, a Warehouse Employee should be defined for the locations used. The Warehouse Employee should be defined for the Windows User of the External User authorized to execute the pre-confgured processes

  1. Go to the menu Warehouse/Warehouse/Warehouse Employees
  2. Add your user ID for every location, assign GOLD as default location


Purchase Order and Inventory Put-Away

In this demo script a Released Purchase Order will be used as source document for the Inventory PutAway. This released purchase order needs to be created before the use of the Inventory Put-Away preconfigured processes

  1. Go to the menu Purchasing/Purchasing/Purchase Orders and create a new purchase order for vendor 30000 Coolwood Technologies


  1. Expand the Invoice Details Fast Tab and set the location to GOLD


  1. Enter a couple of order lines with the following items and quantities. Make sure the Qty. to Receive. Is filled out. Afterwards, press the Release button.


  1. In the Process menu, press Create Inventory Put-Away/Pick


  1. Make sure Create Invt. Put-Away is toggled, afterwards press OK. The next message should appear. In case the message “Nothing to create” appears, please check if the Quantity to Receive is filled out on the Purchase order. The Put-Away is created based on those numbers


  1. Go to the menu Warehouse/Goods Handling/Order by Order/Inventory Put-aways


  1. Select the last Inventory Put-away and press Edit to open it


Run the demo process