ANY Process Demo: Create Sales Order

Overall Process Flow

The Create Sales Order process supports the creation of a new sales order in Microsoft Dynamics BC, making use of the customer specific price and discount agreements. After selection of a customer by number or by searching in the customer list with a search filter at the customer name, a delivery date and optionally a delivery address have to be entered.Then, a sales order header is created in Microsoft Dynamics BC. The order reference can be entered.Next, sales order lines can be created by means of entering the item code, the quantity, the price and discount. The process shows you always the total order amount and the total discount amount.After entering the quantity of an item the inventory availability check is performed. Finally, after entering all sales order lines an overview of the lines is showed. Lines can be added, changed or deleted. After confirmation of the lines the next sales order can be entered

Overall Process Flow


Creating a sales order with lines

1. After logging in, select the Create Sales Order menu button. FieldProcessStep8
2. The next screen appears. Scan the customer number. For now use F6=Search to find the customer. FieldProcessStep9
3. Enter a search filter to search for the customer, press F4=OK to proceed. FieldProcessStep10
4. Select the customer (The Cannon Group PLC) and press F4=OK FieldProcessStep11
5. Enter the Delivery Date and confirm by pressing F4=OK. Notice the shipping location is displayed. This default is coming from the Customer Card under the Fast Tab Shipping FieldProcessStep12
6. Now, a Ship-to Address can be optionally entered. Press F6=Lookup to view a list of these. FieldProcessStep13
7. Select any address from the list and confirm with F4=OK FieldProcessStep14
8. After pressing F4=OK, a new Sales Order has been created in Microsoft Dynamics BC. The order number is generated based on the Number Series S-ORD-D, defined in the mobile process configuration (See connection SLSORDERHEADERCREATE) FieldProcessStep15
9. The Sales Order header in Microsoft Dynamics BC is created based on the customer master data and the entered data.
  • Go to the menu Sales & Marketing/Order Processing/Sales Orders
  • Navigate to the last Sales Order.


10. Double click on that line, or press edit/view in the ribbon to show the detailed order data. The Ship-to Code and the address information, and the Shipment Date are populated with the entered data FieldProcessStep17
11. Enter the reference Field. After pressing F4=OK the field Your Reference (hidden field) of the Sales Order in Microsoft Dynamics BC is updated. FieldProcessStep18
12. Now new sales lines can be created FieldProcessStep19
13. Enter Item number 1928-s (Or use F6=Lookup to get a list of items) FieldProcessStep20
14. After Pressing OK a new Sales Order line in Microsoft Dynamics BC is created with the Item number defined.

Follow these steps to reopen the order.

  • Go to the menu Sales & Marketing/Order Processing/Sales Orders
  • Navigate to your sales order and open the card page for it
  • The Item number and the Location Code are filled in; the Quantity is still empty.
  • If you look at the Factbox of the Sales Line Details, you see the Availability, this is also displayed on the next screen


15. Enter the Quantity of the item, e.g. 7 and confirm with F4=OK. FieldProcessStep22
16. After confirming the quantity in the previous step, the current Sales Order line in Microsoft Dynamics BC has been updated.

Follow these steps to reopen the order

  • Go to the menu Sales & Marketing/Order Processing/Sales Orders
  • Navigate to your sales Order and open the card page for it
  • The Quantity is now updated
  • The Unit Price and the Line Discount fields are populated as well. By updating the Quantity in the mobile process these price and discount fields are updated because of the validation rules of the Sales Line table in Microsoft Dynamics BC.


17. After entering the Quantity, the Net Price and Discount % are defaulted based on the updated Sales Order line, and based upon the customer specific price and discount list. Change the price and discount at leisure FieldProcessStep24
18. The last step is confirming the entered data. Press F4=Yes to confirm or F1=No to change these steps and go back to step 13 FieldProcessStep25
19. Enter another item e.g. 1968-W, to add a new sales line to the order FieldProcessStep26
20. After pressing OK a second Sales Order line in Microsoft Dynamics BC is created with the Item number defined.

Follow these steps to reopen the order

  • Go to the menu Sales & Marketing/Order Processing/Sales Orders
  • Navigate to your Sales Order and open its card page
  • The Item No. and the Location Code are filled in; the Quantity remains empty


21. The item data will be displayed. A warning is shown to alert the user that the item is not available at the current moment on location BLUE. Enter the Quantity of 2 and confirm with F4=OK FieldProcessStep28
22. The Price and Discount are presented, Confirm these also with F4=OK (3x) Notice the total amount and discount have been updated FieldProcessStep29
23. Now enter item code 1924-W and confirm again with F4=OK FieldProcessStep30
24. Enter a Quantity of 2 FieldProcessStep31
25. The current inventory is insufficient and a warning is displayed. Confirm the Price and Discount. FieldProcessStep32
26. Press F7=Check Order to review the created lines in the process FieldProcessStep33
27. The following screen appears. After selecting one of the lines, the following actions can be done: F2=Change Line: Modify or delete a line, F3=Add Line: Add a new line to the order or F4=Order OK: Confirm the order is completed and go back to the start of the process (step 2) FieldProcessStep34

F2 - Changing or deleting a line

28. Select the first line and press F2=Change Line. In the following screen change the quantity to 6. Confirm with F4=OK FieldProcessStep35
29. The following screen allows you to change the Net Price and discount. FieldProcessStep36
30. After confirming the changes, the check order screen is displayed again. Select the last line and press F2=Change Line FieldProcessStep37
31. The next screen appears, now press F2=Delete Line to remove the line from the order FieldProcessStep38
32. After removing the line, the order overview is displayed again. FieldProcessStep39

F3 - Adding a new line

33. Press F3=Add Line, and the scan item screen appears, (see step 11) FieldProcessStep40
34. When no new line should be added, press F7=Check Order. The previous screen appears FieldProcessStep41
35. Press F4=Order OK to confirm that the order is completed. Ending up at step 2. Afterwards press F1=Back to leave the proces