Business Integration Solutions Documentation

About: User Event

In Business Integration Solutions, the User Event triggers a pipeline, based on an user action such as clicking a button on a page.


Use this event to have manual control of the BIS export. With a few lines of code you can easily create a custom button and add it to a list page or a card page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. After pressing the button, the associated pipeline gets triggered and the defined dataset gets exported.

You can define filters on the User Event as well. For example, you have created a button on the Sales Order card. After you press the button, a Sales Order Confirmation is emailed to the customer. It depends on the language code whether you want to use Notification in English or in Dutch, so you add a filter to the User Event, which checks the Customer’s Language Code.

The processing mode is synchronous in nature, i.e. the user who initiates the event is interested in immediate result of the action.


By pressing an action button on a page a User Event is triggered which starts a BIS pipeline manually for a record or selection of records.

A User Event is a specific implementation of the Code Event but it uses the same code. The only difference is the user experience. For more information refer to the topic How To: Create a User Event? in the Software Development Kit document.

[Microsoft Dynamics NAV] ➡️ [User Event] ➡️ [<Activities>] ➡️ [<End Point>]