Anywhere Mobility Studio Documentation

Expression Function

An Expression Function enables Microsoft Dynamics BC functions to be called from a mapping. BC has been provided with a collection of standard expressions which can easily be extended with custom functions. New expression functions can be included in a custom codeunit. The standard expression functions may not be modified. Expression Functions are executed in the context of the mapping. The mapping wizard can be used to map the arguments of a function with the appropriate values. In order to use Expression Functions in the Mapping Wizard the expression codeunit has to be registered in the Function Library. The registration function verifies the codeunit and extracts the metadata from the object. Examples of expression functions are: GLN Number Conversions, Item Inventory Calculations and advanced date / time manipulations.


Expressions functions have the following format.

Codeunit:<ID>.<FunctionName>(<Arguments>): (<ReturnType>)
  • Operator: Codeunit
  • ID: Depending on the implementation, the ID refers to either the Codeunit ID or the Enum ID, depending on the interface. See Expression Function
  • FunctionName: The name of the function
  • (Arguments): A list of arguments, divided by commas
  • (ReturnType): The return type of your function which is optional

WMS Function List 2 for warehouse functionality

The following list shows a collection of standard functions available in Business Integration Solutions for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The functions from ANY are registered in the same way, codeunit WMS Function List 2 is registered during product installation.

Method name Description Arguments Return
DAW_IsBinMandatory Returns true when a bin is mandatory for a location LocationCode: Code[10] Boolean
DAW_IsShipmentBinConstant Returns true when a shipment bin cannot be changed LocationCode: Code[10] Boolean
DAW_CheckAvailQtyToTake Returns the available quantity to take for an item at a bin ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; UoM: Code[20]; ReqQuantity: Decimal; LotNo: Code[20]; SerialNo: Code[20]; ShowError: Boolean; AlternativeError: Text Decimal
DAW_CheckSuggestedBin Check if a suggested bin is still valid when tracking details have been altered. ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; LotNo: Code[20]; SerialNo: Code[20] Code[20]
DAW_ValidBin Use this function to see if a bin is NOT the adjustment BIN LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20] Void
DAW_GetWhseRcptLineFromItemNo Validate the scanned item against the specified warehouse receipt header WhseReceiptNo: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20] Integer
DAW_GetWhseShptLineFromItemNo Validate the scanned item against the specified warehouse shipment header WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20] Integer
DAW_WhseShipmentReadyForShip Return true when (a part of) the shipment is ready to ship WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; ErrorMessage: Text Boolean
DAW_WhseShptValidSNTracking Use this function when confirming a serialno on a warehouse shipment document ShipmentNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; LotNo: Code[20]; SerialNo: Code[20] Void
DAW_WhseShptValidLotTracking Use this function when confirming a lotno on a warehouse shipment document ShipmentNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; LotNo: Code[20] Void
DAW_GetWhseActivityLineNo Validate the scanned item against the specified warehouse activity header. ActivityType: Text[20]; HeaderNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; SerialNo: Code[20]; LotNo: Code[20]; QtyToHandle: Decimal Integer
DAW_GetWhseJnlLineNo Gets the warehouse journal line for an item JournalTemplateName: Code[10]; JournalBatchname: Code[10]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ItemNo: Code[20]; BinCode: Code[20]; SerialNo: Code[20]; LotNo: Code[20] Integer
DAW_CheckWhseJnlLine Use this fuction to validate the item details to a warehouse journal line JournalTemplateName: Code[10]; JournalBatchname: Code[10]; LocationCode: Code[10]; LineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; BinCode: Code[20]; SerialNo: Code[20]; LotNo: Code[20] Void
DAW_CalcWhseCountedQty Returns the quantity already counted for a warehouse journal line JournalTemplateName: Code[10]; JournalBatchname: Code[10]; LocationCode: Code[10]; LineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; ReasonCode: Code[20] Decimal
DAW_IsLotTrackedItem Use this function to determine if lottracking is required for item ItemNo: Code[20] Boolean
DAW_IsSNTrackedItem Use this function to determine if serialtracking is required for item ItemNo: Code[20] Boolean
DAW_LotTrackingApplies Based on documenttype and tracking settings, determines if a lotno is required ItemNo: Code[20]; Sourcetype: Integer; SourceSubType: Text; WhseDocument: Boolean Boolean
DAW_SNTrackingApplies Based on documenttype and tracking settings, determines if a serialno is required ItemNo: Code[20]; Sourcetype: Integer; SourceSubType: Text; WhseDocument: Boolean Boolean
DAW_TrackingExists Checks if the provided item tracking details exist ItemNo: Code[20]; "Table": Integer; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocumentLineNo: Integer; LotNo: Code[20]; SerialNo: Code[20] Boolean
DAW_GetTrackingQuantity Retrieves the quantity tracked for provided item tracking details ItemNo: Code[20]; "Table": Integer; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocumentLineNo: Integer; LotNo: Code[20]; SerialNo: Code[20]; DocumentBatch: Code[10]; ProdOrderLineNo: Integer Decimal
DAW_GetTrackedQuantity Retrieves the quantity tracked on a specified location ItemNo: Code[20]; LotNo: Code[20]; SerialNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[20]; BinCode: Code[20] Decimal
DAW_IsValidSerialNo Check if a serial number is available for a warehouse document ActivityType: Text; ActivityNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; SerialNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ZoneCode: Code[10]; ItemNo: Code[20] Void
DAW_CheckDuplicateSerialNo Checks if a serialno is already present on a document ItemNo: Code[20]; "Table": Integer; DocumentType: Integer; SerialNo: Code[20] Void
DAW_CheckTrackingBuffer Checks if tracking details are available in the tracking buffer SessionID: Text; LotNo: Code[20]; SerialNo: Code[20] Boolean
DAW_IsBinMovementBlocked Returns true when a bin is blocked for all or specified direction BinCode: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; UOM: Code[10]; Direction: Text Boolean
DAW_GetLotForSerialNo Looks for Lot no. related to Serial No. WhseActType: Text; WhseActNo: Code[20]; WhseActLineNo: Integer; SerialNo: Code[20] Code[20]
DAW_CalcUOMQty Calculates Quantity based on new Unit of Measure. ToUOM: Code[10]; ItemCode: Code[10]; QtyToHandle: Text; FromUOM: Code[10] Decimal
DAW_ValidateQtytoHandle Validates Quantity to Handle against calculated Quantity based on new Unit of Measure QtyToHandle: Text; ItemCode: Code[10]; ToUOM: Code[10]; Qty: Text; DocNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Text Boolean
DAW_CheckforSameUOM throws an error if From UOM & To UOM are same FromUOM: Text; ToUOM: Text Boolean
DAW_GetTransShipTrackingQuantity Retrieves the quantity tracked for provided item tracking details ItemNo: Code[20]; "Table": Integer; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocumentLineNo: Integer; LotNo: Code[20]; SerialNo: Code[20]; DocumentBatch: Code[10]; ProdOrderLineNo: Integer Decimal
DAW_GetTransReceiveTrackingQuantity Retrieves the quantity tracked for provided item tracking details ItemNo: Code[20]; "Table": Integer; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocumentLineNo: Integer; LotNo: Code[20]; SerialNo: Code[20]; DocumentBatch: Code[10]; ProdOrderLineNo: Integer Decimal
DAW_GetWhseActLineBreakBulkActive returns a yes or no if activity block breakbulk applies to this warehouse. ActivityType: Code[20]; ActivityNo: Code[20]; ActivityLineNo: Integer Boolean
DAW_GetWhseActLineBreakBulkRemark returns a text of the breakbulk rule. ActivityType: Code[20]; ActivityNo: Code[20]; ActivityLineNo: Integer; ActionType: Code[20] Text
DAW_ClearTrackingBuffer Removes tracking data from buffertable CurrSession: Text Void
DAW_SetTrackingBufferForSalesLine Fills Trackingbuffer with lookup data based on a Sales Line DocType: Integer; DocNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; SessionID: Text Void
DAW_SetTrackingBufferForPurchLine Fills Trackingbuffer with lookup data based on a Purchase Line DocType: Integer; DocNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; SessionID: Text Void
DAW_SetTrackingBufferForItemJrnlLine Fills Trackingbuffer with lookup data based on an Item Journal Line JnlTemplate: Code[10]; JnlBatch: Code[10]; LineNo: Integer; SessionID: Text Void
DAW_SetTrackingBufferForItemJournalData Fills trackingbuffer with lookup data from a temporary journal line JnlTemplate: Code[10]; JnlBatch: Code[10]; LineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[20]; SessionID: Text Void
DAW_SetTrackingBufferForWhseReceiptLine Fills Trackingbuffer with lookup data for a Whse Receipt Line ReceiptNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; SessionID: Text Void
DAW_SetTrackingBufferForWhseShipLine Fills Trackingbuffer with lookup data based on a Whse Shipment Line ShipNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; SessionID: Text Void
DAW_SetTrackingBufferForWhseActLine Fills Trackingbuffer with lookup data based on a Whse Activity Line ActivityType: Integer; ActivityNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; SessionID: Text Void
DAW_SetTrackingBufferForTransferLine Fills Trackingbuffer with lookup data based on a Transfer Line DocumentNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; Direction: Integer; SessionId: Text Void
DAW_SetTrackingBufferForBinContent Fills Trackingbuffer with lookup data based on Bin Content LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; UoMCode: Code[10]; SessionID: Text Void


For more available standard functions please see this page

OnPrem vs Saas

Both OnPrem and Saas work with the function library setup screen, when it comes to seeing what is available in the system. There is a different method to publish these functions in these versions.

To See
Add your functions to On Premise How To: Create a Custom Codeunit with Expression Functions
Publish functions on the Cloud How To: Expose Code to the Function Interface