Warehouse Movement

The Item Reclassification Journal is a manual entry directly into an Item Journal Line, whereas the Warehouse Movement goes through separate pages but ends up as an item journal line to be posted.
The Item Reclass. Journal consists of a single line where all the fields and functionality is derived from.
The Posting Date will initially be the system date, but can be changed by the user.
The Location Code will be the default location code of the user. If there is only one location available for the user, the question will not be asked.
Moving a container means entering/selecting a “container license plate” number and choosing the Move-container function.
If an item has an alternative quantity, but is not set as catchweight, the alternate quantity will be filled by the system.

Label Setup

The blue steps show existing functionality in standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, the green steps show the STAEDEAN Food specific additions.

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